The Unforgiven

The Unforgiven

Lost Bird: We come in peace.
Ben Zachary: My land. My sky. You are welcome.
Lost Bird: Young horses. Good for fighting. Good for hunting. You take.
Ben Zachary: I am ashamed. I have nothing to offer you.
Lost Bird: In house. You have woman. One our women.
Ben Zachary: Who told you this.
Lost Bird: Old man. One your tribe. Carry long knife. He say you have one our women.
Ben Zachary: He is crazy.
Lost Bird: Sun speak through him. Talk to dead people. He say woman your house my sister.
Ben Zachary: He lies. Woman my house white. Dahkoi. Father white, mother white. Burned to death by you; by Kiowa.
Lost Bird: How many horses for woman?
Ben Zachary: There are not enough horses in the world. Not as many as you can catch. Not as many as you can steal.

--Burt Lancaster (as Ben Zachary) in The Unforgiven

Separate Tables

Separate Tables

Mrs. Railton-Bell: Are you on the side of Mr. Malcolm and his defense advice or are you on the side of the Christian virtues -- like Mr. Fowler and myself?
John Malcolm: Never in my life have I heard a question so disgracefully begged. You should be in politics, Mrs. Railton-Bell.

--Burt Lancaster (as John Malcolm) in Separate Tables

The Gypsy Moths

The Gypsy Moths

Elizabeth Brandon: I imagine you're the sort of man who always manages to find the best and rightest reasons for everything you do. Do you think that's possible for everyone?
Mike Rettig: I'm always hopeful.

--Burt Lancaster (as Mike Rettig) in The Gypsy Moths

The Swimmer

The Swimmer

Shirley Abbott: What's the matter with you? I'll get you a sweater.
Ned Merrill: No!
Shirley Abbott: You must be catching something.
Ned Merrill: How can I swim in a sweater?
Shirley Abbott: Listen, I'll drive you home.
Ned Merrill: No! I've got to *swim* home.
Shirley Abbott: For the love of God, why?
Ned Merrill: I've just got to. I've got to.
Shirley Abbott: I'll go get the car.
Ned Merrill: No! I can't go in a car, it's impossible. How can I?

--Burt Lancaster (as Ned Merrill) in The Swimmer

Rope of Sand

Rope of Sand

Commandant Paul Vogel: Consider this place for a minute if you will. It often reminds one of the interior of a whale's belly.
Mike Davis: You sure get around.

--Burt Lancaster (as Mike Davis) in Rope of Sand

The Leopard

The Leopard

Father Pirrone: Is Your Excellency here for confession?
Prince Don Fabrizio Salina: Confession? It's not Saturday.
Father Pirrone: Listen to me. Come to confession.
Prince Don Fabrizio Salina: There's no need. You know it all already.
Father Pirrone: The power of confession lies not only in telling our sins, but in repentance.
Prince Don Fabrizio Salina: I know. I know! What would you have of me? I'm a vigorous man. I can't find satisfaction with a woman who crosses herself in bed before every embrace, and can only say "Gesummaria" afterwards. I've had seven children with her and I've never seen her navel. Is that right? I ask you. *She's* the sinner!

--Burt Lancaster (as Prince Don Fabrizio Salina) in The Leopard

The Scalphunters

The Scalphunters

Joseph Lee: [walking behind Joe Bass and his horse] What about me, sir?
Joe Bass: I'll just sell you to the highest bidder.
Joseph Lee: Could you mske that to a Comanche, sir?
Joe Bass: You seem to have an uncommon prejudice against service to the white-skinned race!
Joseph Lee: I don't mean to be narrow in my attitude. Could I ask you what's your name, sir?
Joe Bass: Joe Bass.
Joseph Lee: Well, Mr. Bass, couldn't you kind of consider me a captured Comanche?
Joe Bass: [both Joe Bass and his horse turn around and do a 'take']
Joseph Lee: I came on my own two feet as far as those Comanches. It was my intent to circle south as far as Mexico. The Mexicans have a law against the slavery trade, and since those Indians captured me from other Indians. I have now got full Indian citizenship.
Joe Bass: Joseph Lee, you ever study the law?
Joseph Lee: No, sir.
Joe Bass: Well, neither did I, but you ain't got a chance in hell of calling yerself an Indian! You're an African slave by employment, black by color!

--Burt Lancaster (as Joe Bass) in The Scalphunters

Sweet Smell of Success

Sweet Smell of Success

Sidney Falco: If I'm gonna go out on a limb for you, you gotta know what's involved!
J.J. Hunsecker: My right hand hasn't seen my left hand in thirty years.

--Burt Lancaster (as J.J. Hunsecker) in Sweet Smell of Success

Sweet Smell of Success

Sweet Smell of Success

Sidney Falco: Sure, the columnists can't do without us, except our good and great friend J.J. forgets to mention that. You see, we furnish him with items.
J.J. Hunsecker: What, some cheap, gruesome gags?
Sidney Falco: You print 'em, don't ya?
J.J. Hunsecker: Yes, with your clients' names attached. That's the only reason the poor slobs pay you - to see their names in my column all over the world. Now, I make it out, you're doing *me* a favor?... The day I can't get along without a press agents' handouts, I'll close up shop and move to Alaska, lock, stock, and barrel.

--Burt Lancaster (as J.J. Hunsecker) in Sweet Smell of Success



Tino Orsini: You know, I always modeled my style after yours.
Mike Ribble: You'll always be a second-rater. Make your own style!

--Burt Lancaster (as Mike Ribble) in Trapeze

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