Only Two Can Play

Only Two Can Play

[first lines]
Pretty Girl in Library: Good morning. Have you "Conditioned Reflexes"?
John Lewis: Uh...
Pretty Girl in Library: It's by Pavlov.
John Lewis: Yes... It's out at the moment but if you'd like to leave your name, I could reserve it for you.

--Peter Sellers (as ) in Only Two Can Play

The Party

The Party

[last lines]
Michelle Monet: Oh, here's your hat.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: Oh, look... you keep it.
Michelle Monet: But you may need it.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: No, I'd like you to keep it.
Michelle Monet: All right. If you think that you should want it or need it sometimes...
Hrundi V. Bakshi: Well, if I need it... I could always come, perhaps, and pick it up.
Michelle Monet: That would be very nice.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: When would you be available for me to pick up my hat?
Michelle Monet: Well...
[laughs shyly]
Michelle Monet: maybe next week.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: I'll come and get it then.
Michelle Monet: OK.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: For I'd love to have my hat back.
Michelle Monet: Goodbye.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: Bye bye.

--Peter Sellers (as ) in The Party

Only Two Can Play

Only Two Can Play

[last lines]
Jean: You did very well.
John Lewis: I think I'm definitely improving, don't you?
Jean: Oh, you've still got a long way to go.
John Lewis: We both got a long way to go, haven't we? Quite a long drive home, isn't it?

--Peter Sellers (as ) in Only Two Can Play

The Ladykillers

The Ladykillers

[Mrs. Wilberforce has just discovered the money. Louis pulls Harry aside]
Louis: We must get her out of here.
Harry: A snatch?
Louis: Get her into the car.
[One of Mrs. Wilberforce's guests arrives]
Louis: We'll have to take them both. We've got to get away!
[Two more guests arrive]
Harry: What do you think we should do? Charter a bus?

--Peter Sellers (as Harry) in The Ladykillers

The Wrong Arm of the Law

The Wrong Arm of the Law

[Pearly Gates has arrange to meet Inspector "Nosy" Parker on a roundabout at a funfair]
Inspector Parker: [complaining] I suppose this is your idea of a joke. Battersea Funfair. Fancy having a meeting on a thing like this.
Pearly Gates: I must admit, the idea of a load of bogeys going round in circles did appeal to me, yeah.

--Peter Sellers (as ) in The Wrong Arm of the Law

The Party

The Party

[repeated line]
Hrundi V. Bakshi: Birdie Num Num

--Peter Sellers (as ) in The Party

The Party

The Party

[repeated line]
Hrundi V. Bakshi: Howdy partiner.

--Peter Sellers (as ) in The Party

The Wrong Box

The Wrong Box

[the doctor, owner of dozens of cats, is coughing]
Doctor Pratt: I'm all right; it's just a fur ball; it's nothing. Strangely, I haven't had fur for a fortnight.

--Peter Sellers (as ) in The Wrong Box

A Shot in the Dark

A Shot in the Dark

[Accusing a suspect, millionaire Benjamin Ballon]
Clouseau: And I submit, Inspector Ballon, that you arrived home, found Miguel with Maria Gambrelli, and killed him in a rit of fealous jage!

--Peter Sellers (as Jacques Clouseau) in A Shot in the Dark

A Shot in the Dark

A Shot in the Dark

[Clouseau has entered a house soaking wet after falling into a fountain]
Clouseau: I'm sorry, my idiot driver parked too close to the fountain.

--Peter Sellers (as Jacques Clouseau) in A Shot in the Dark

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