Jane Darwell

Jane Darwell
(as Ma Joad)

Ma Joad: Rich fellas come up an' they die, an' their kids ain't no good an' they die out. But we keep a'comin'. We're the people that live. They can't wipe us out; they can't lick us. We'll go on forever, Pa, 'cause we're the people.

Irene Dunne

Irene Dunne
(as Lucy Warriner)

Lucy Warriner: Good night.

Cary Grant

Cary Grant
(as Walter Christopher Eckland)

Walter Eckland: I wonder if they serve coconut milk on submarines...

John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Rooster Cogburn)

Mattie Ross: Trust you to buy another tall horse.
Rooster Cogburn: Yeah. He's not as game as Beau, but Stonehill says he can jump a four rail fence.
Mattie Ross: You are too old and fat to be jumping horses.
Rooster Cogburn: Well, come see a fat old man some time!
[jumps the fence and rides away]

Alan Hale Sr.

Alan Hale Sr.
(as Carl Pitt)

Queen Elizabeth: And now, my loyal subjects, a grave duty confronts us all: To prepare our nation for a war that none of us wants, least of all your queen. We have tried by all means in our power to avert this war. We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country; but when the ruthless ambition of a man threatens to engulf the world, it becomes the solemn obligation of all free men to affirm that the earth belongs not to any one man, but to all men, and that freedom is the deed and title to the soil on which we exist. Firm in this faith, we shall now make ready to meet the great armada that Philip sends against us. To this end, I pledge you ships - ships worthy of our seamen - a mighty fleet, hewn out of the forests of England; a navy foremost in the world - not only in our time, but for generations to come.
Carl Pitt: [leading a cheer] To England, and the Queen!

Jean Simmons

Jean Simmons
(as Varinia)

Varinia: Goodbye, my love, my life. Goodbye, good-bye.

Elsa Lanchester

Elsa Lanchester
(as Miss Plimsoll)

Miss Plimsoll: [hands Sir Wilfrid his thermos bottle] Sir Wilfrid, you've forgotten your brandy!

Henry Fonda

Henry Fonda
(as Juror #8)

Juror #9: Hey... what's your name?
Juror #8: Davis.
Juror #9: My name's McCardle.
Juror #9: Well, so long.
Juror #8: So long.

Ray Milland

Ray Milland
(as Tony Wendice)

Tony Wendice: As you said Mark, it might work out on paper, but congratulations, Inspector. Oh, by the way... How about you, Margot?
Margot Mary Wendice: Yes, I could do with something.
Tony Wendice: Mark?
Mark Halliday: So could I.
Tony Wendice: I suppose you're still on duty, Inspector.

Ward Bond

Ward Bond
(as Detective Tom Polhaus)

Detective Tom Polhaus: [picks up the falcon] Heavy. What is it?
Sam Spade: The, uh, stuff that dreams are made of.
Detective Tom Polhaus: Huh?

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