Ambush at Cimarron Pass Overview:

Ambush at Cimarron Pass (1958) was a Western - Black-and-white Film directed by Jodie Copelan .

BlogHub Articles:

Western RoundUp: Ambush at Cimarron Pass (1958)

By Laura Grieve on Apr 29, 2022 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Western RoundUp: Ambush at Cimarron Pass (1958) Ambush at Cimarron Pass (1958) movie poster A frequently seen theme in the Western film genre is a disparate band of travelers banding together against a common foe, most often Indians. One of the most famous Westerns featuring this theme is J... Read full article

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Quotes from

[last lines]
[Sgt. Blake orders the cache of repeating rifles burned to keep them from being captured by Apaches]
Pvt. Zach: We lugged those rifles for a hundred miles... a hundred miles for nothing!
Keith Williams: No, not for nothing. Sometimes you gotta lose before you finally win.

[first lines]
Henry the Scout: Campfire in Beekers Rocks. Want me to scout it, Mr. Blake?
Sgt. Matt Blake: If it's an ambush they wouldn't light a fire.
Henry the Scout: Mmm. Not an Apache ambush.
Sgt. Matt Blake: Not if it's any ambush.

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Facts about

A Feb. 11, 1958 Los Angeles Times ad shows that this film was widely distributed on a double bill with Disney's Old Yeller.
Clint Eastwood reportedly described this film as "probably the lousiest western ever made."
After Clint Eastwood became a star in the mid-'60s, Fox re-released this picture, changing the advertising and credits to give Eastwood top billing.
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Also released in 1958

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