Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Overview:

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960) was a Drama - Romance Film directed by Karel Reisz and produced by Tony Richardson and Harry Saltzman.

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Quotes from

Arthur Seaton: I'll have a fag in a bit, no use working every minute God sends. I could get through it in half the time if I worked like a bull, but they'd only slash my wages so they can get stuffed!

Arthur Seaton: Brother here for long?
Jack: Fortnight. There's one thing about him though, you know, he'll always help me if I'm in any sort of trouble. If anyone does owt' against me, I can always rely on him. I was with him and his pal and we set on a bloke... never want to do 'owt like that again.
Arthur Seaton: Aye but people like that should be careful though, never to pick on the wrong bloke. I saw a fight like that once, this was with two soldiers an' all. They set on to a bloke and he wiped the floor with the both of them. It was horrible, blood all over the place, I had to turn me 'ead away.

Jack: You're too much of a troublemaker, you should take things as they come and enjoy life.
Arthur Seaton: I do enjoy life, just because I'm not like you don't think I don't.
Jack: I'll see you sometime.
Arthur Seaton: Yeah.

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Facts about

The Legion of Decency refused to give the film its seal of approval, thereby affecting the film's chances on American screens.
Dudley Moore played the piano on the soundtrack.
The drummer of the pub group in the drinking contest scene is played by author Alan Sillitoe's brother.
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