What Price Hollywood? Overview:

What Price Hollywood? (1932) was a Drama - Black-and-white Film directed by George Cukor and produced by David O. Selznick and Pandro S. Berman.


Cukor's movie breakthrough was a film that producer Selznick considered to be a fairly straight reportage of backstage Hollywood. Bennett, a waitress at the Brown Derby, convinces sozzled director Sherman to squire her around Hollywood and get her a screen test, a toe in the movie waters that leads to Oscars, romance, suicide, marriage, separation, and reconciliation. Cukor revisited the scene of this early success with the more melodramatic A Star is Born (1954).

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


Academy Awards 1931/32 --- Ceremony Number 5 (source: AMPAS)

Best WritingAdela Rogers St. Johns, Jane MurfinNominated

BlogHub Articles:

What Price Hollywood? (1932): Starring Constance Bennett

By 4 Star Film Fan on May 30, 2022 From 4 Star Films

Here is a film so completely attuned to Hollywood celebrity and fandom in its heyday. We open on Hollywood fashion magazines full of stockings and lipstick, and glossies of Greta Garbo & Clark Gable. Then, Mary Evans (Constance Bennett) pushes her retractable bed into the wall to head off to her... Read full article


By Terry on Oct 25, 2015 From Stardust and Shadows

In the first part of this series I took a capsule look at the Studio System with a nod to the use of drugs in order to produce and package the huge amount of product. It was not a complete look as many smaller operations such as PARAMOUNT PICTURES, RKO and the Poverty Row companies such as PRC, and ... Read full article


By Terry on Jun 21, 2015 From Stardust and Shadows

THE STUDIO GATES This is a slightly different look at the Hollywood myth – mainly because we are going to take a ?hardboiled? look at some of the ideas that nostalgic sites gloss over. Not all sites do yet this is an important part of the Hollywood story.? Gloss over, just as the major studios... Read full article

Pre-Code Crazy: What Price Hollywood? (1931)

By shadowsandsatin on May 2, 2015 From Shadows and Satin

In previous months, my Pre-Code Crazy pick has always been a film that I?ve seen numerous times before. And while I was initially quite certain that this month?s selection also fit into that category, it turns out that I?d actually never seen it before! Oh, I?d seen the film?s beginning countless ti... Read full article

What Price Hollywood? (1932) (2)

on Mar 24, 2014 From Journeys in Classic Film

It’s safe to say I know a lot about Hollywood; whether it’s reviewing movies or, by extension, reviewing movies about the art of making movies there’s no escaping the glittering pool of the silver screen.? It could explain the proliferation of behind-the-curtain features I watch.? ... Read full article

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Quotes from

Mary Evans: I'm in pictures. Mr. Carey I'm in pictures!
Maximillan 'Max' Carey: Well don't blame me.
Julius Saxe: Goodbye Mary. I want to talk to you Maxie.
Mary Evans: Goodbye Mr. Saxe. Goodbye Mr. Carey. Thank you!
[Mary turns and walks to the projector room's exit door]
Maximillan 'Max' Carey: Goodbye Mary. Be careful about your options.

Miss DuPont, the Interviewer: Of course you know Miss Evans, I'm writing a series of articles on the love lives of picture stars and I want your love life for the April number.
Lonny Borden: You want what?
Miss DuPont, the Interviewer: Now of course you don't mind answering just a few intimate questions. Of course I know you married for love. But was it the thoughtful reasoning kind or was it the blind passionate ummmmph kind?
Mary Evans: Well I don't know. I suppose it was the...
Lonny Borden: Well I should say it was the, uh, ummmmph kind!
Miss DuPont, the Interviewer: That's good! Now are you planning on having a family?
Mary Evans: I hope to some day.
Miss DuPont, the Interviewer: Oh how sweet. How interesting. Have you seperate bedrooms?
Mary Evans: No.
Miss DuPont, the Interviewer: Oh I must have a photograph of your bedroom! Now Miss Evans, tell me, just how far do you think a wife should go to keep a husband's love?
Mary Evans: Well I know I'd go a long way myself.
Miss DuPont, the Interviewer: And what do you think a husband should do to keep a wife's love, Mr. Borden?
Lonny Borden: I really haven't the faintest idea. Suppose you tell me!
Miss DuPont, the Interviewer: Oh oh oh. I've never been a husband. That reminds me. Have you a photograph showing your marvelous physique?
Lonny Borden: No but I have my appendix in the other room in a bottle. Perhaps you'd like to photograph that!
[Lonny gets up and exits]
Miss DuPont, the Interviewer: Has he gone to get it?
Mary Evans: No, uh, I, I don't think so, ummm.

Maximillan 'Max' Carey: Say, do you think I'm doing this because I like it! How about you forget your husband for a few minutes and we might be able to finish this scene and go home.
Lonny Borden: Oh, it too late for the theater now anyhow.
Maximillan 'Max' Carey: Or you stand the chance of seeing the last act. Might do her some good to see a competent actress.
Mary Evans: Say!
Lonny Borden: Is it necessary to insult Miss Evans Mr. Carey?
Maximillan 'Max' Carey: Outsiders are not allowed on the set. Why don't you let me direct Miss Evans and you be... Mr. Evans.
Mary Evans: That'll be enough tonight Max. Come on Lonny!

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Facts about

Max Carey was modelled after Lowell Sherman himself, who was known to be an alcoholic, as well as silent film director Marshall Neilan and actor John Barrymore (who was Sherman's brother-in-law at the time).
Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson's first movie.
David O. Selznick wanted Clara Bow for the role of Mary Evans, but she turned it down when she was offered more money from Fox.
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