The Way to the Stars Overview:

The Way to the Stars (1945) was a Drama - Romance Film directed by Anthony Asquith and produced by Anatole de Grunwald and Gordon Parry.

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Quotes from

Peter Penrose: How long do you think this blasted war is going on ?
Tiny Williams: Oh, years and years and years, I should think. Spring 1955 is my personal bet.

'Tinker' Bell: [after ordering tea] They don't warm the pots, you know. I've watched them making it.
Tiny Williams: Well, it's liquid and it's warm. I was afraid they were going to abolish it altogether.
'Tinker' Bell: Oh, but they would have done, they were going to, if I myself hadn't protested to the colonel.
Tiny Williams: Nobly done, Tinkerbell.

Mr. Palmer: Oh, would you believe you!

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Facts about

The poem recited by John Mills is titled "For Johnny". It is an ode to RAF pilots written by John Pudney (1909-1977).
The poem "For Johnny" read by John Mills is as follows: "Do not despair, For Johnny-head-in-air; He sleeps as sound, As Johnny underground. Fetch out no shroud, For Johnny-in-the-cloud; And keep your tears, For him in after years. Better by far, For Johnny-the-bright-star, To keep your head, And see his children fed."
First cinema feature of Murray Matheson.
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