The Prize Pest Overview:

The Prize Pest (1951) was a Animation - Family Film directed by Robert McKimson .

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Porky Pig: The d-d-oorbell. Oh, i-it couldn't be the grand prize. He-he-he. I've never won anything in my life.
Delivery Man: [hands Porky a present] Well, you have now Here it is, lucky boy. The grand prize. He-he-he-he-he!
Porky Pig: Oh, f-fortunate, fortunate me. G-golly, I w-wonder what it is?
Daffy Duck: [pops out of present] It's a duck, fat stuff! A genuine live duck!
Porky Pig: A d-d-d-d-duck?
Daffy Duck: Yes, a d-d-d-duck.
Porky Pig: G-gee, just what I always wanted, I s-suppose.

Porky Pig: Oh, t-that treacherous trickster. I'll show him who's a knucklehead. I'll give him a dose of his own m-m-medicine.
[puts on a hideous Halloween costume]
Porky Pig: I hope I look sc-sc-scary enough.
Daffy Duck: Well, I think I'll go scare some more daylights out of the little butterball.
[he walks by a door, where Porky in costume walks by; he looks at Porky, thinking it's a mirror]
Daffy Duck: Sufferin' catfish. I didn't realize I was that hideous.
Daffy Duck: I'm not!
[Daffy goes to pieces, then reconstructs himself, gets back inside the present and runs screaming out the door]
Porky Pig: Gosh, what a scaredy-cat. Anyone who'd be scared of a masquerade costume is a c-craven little coward.
[Passes by a mirror and sees himself, then jumps out of costume and into chandelier again]
Porky Pig: S-so I'm a c-craven little coward.

Daffy Duck: Hmm. Guess I'll have to use my Jekyll and Hyde routine on this wise guy.
[knocks on door]
Porky Pig: Yes?
Daffy Duck: I'm sorry you did that to me. People shouldn't push me around. It isn't good for me.
Porky Pig: Oh, f-f-fiddlesticks. And why not?
Daffy Duck: Because I'm a split personality, that's why not. I'm two people in one. A schiz... a schiz... a schizophreniac. When people are nice to me, I'm sweet, gentle, and loving.
[Jumps into Porky's arms and starts caressing him, speaks in French accent]
Daffy Duck: Ello, baby. Nice, fat, little butterball.
Porky Pig: Oh, n-n-now stop.
Daffy Duck: But when some wise guy starts pushing me around, look... out! I turn into a hideous monster.
[Puts on fake fangs and messes up his hair, then pants and snarls at Porky, who jumps up to the ceiling and hangs on to a chandelier]
Daffy Duck: Get the idea, buster?
Porky Pig: I d-do, I do! Ind-deed I d-d-do! And I'll be r-real nice and k-kind and gentle to you.

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Also directed by Robert McKimson

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Also released in 1951

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