The Merry Frinks Overview:

The Merry Frinks (1934) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by Alfred E. Green and produced by Hal B. Wallis, Jack L. Warner and Robert Lord.

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Hattie 'Mom' Frink: You look to me like a married man - are you?
Benny Lopez: Well, you know how it is... gotta go through it once, like the measles, but i aint working at it now.

Hattie 'Mom' Frink: If you lose this job, its curtains. There isn't another paper in town that will take you back, and I mean that Joe.
Joe 'Poppa' Frink: Yeah, well, maybe somebody will start a new paper!

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Also directed by Alfred E. Green

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Also produced by Hal B. Wallis

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Also released in 1934

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