Southern Fried Rabbit Overview:

Southern Fried Rabbit (1953) was a Animation - Family Film directed by Friz Freleng .

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Quotes from

Bugs Bunny: What carrots. Look at this tired specimen. I haven't see a decent carrot for months around these parts.
[Reads a newspaper headline]
Bugs Bunny: "Record carrot crop in Alabama." Alabama? Well, I'm Alabamy bound!

Yosemite Sam: Well, it's one of our boys.
Bugs Bunny: [in blackface, shuffling along playing a banjo] The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home...
Yosemite Sam: Hey there, boy. How about giving out with something peppy on that skin-box, huh?
Bugs Bunny: Ya, over. Yankee Doodle went to town a-riding on a pony...
Yosemite Sam: Yankee doodle? You traitor!
Bugs Bunny: [Hands Sam a whip] Don't beat me, Masser! Please don't beat me, Masser! Don't beat that tired old body! No, don't!
[Exits; returns disguised as Abraham Lincoln]
Bugs Bunny: What's this I hear about you whipping slaves?
Yosemite Sam: But, but, but, but, bu-but...
Bugs Bunny: Never mind the buts. Here's my card. Look me up at my Gettysburg address.

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Facts about

The title refers the southern theme of the cartoon and the typical southern cuisine Southern Fried Chicken.
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Also directed by Friz Freleng

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Also released in 1953

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