Boys' Night Out Overview:

Boys' Night Out (1962) was a Comedy Film directed by Michael Gordon and produced by Joseph E. Levine, Martin Ransohoff and James C. Pratt.

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Quotes from

Fred Williams: It's a very important
[little league]
Fred Williams: game, really. We're battling it out for sixth place.

Howard McIllenny: Look at me. I'm an accountant with a secret life.

Slattery: How bad is he hooked?
Fred Williams: About as bad as you can get. When he remembers the score, he knows he's on the loser's end. But when he remembers the girl, he forgets the score.

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Facts about

Stars of this film Fred Clark and Larry Keating have both portrayed Harry Morton on the Burns & Allen Show.
Originally, the movie's title song was to be sung by Frank Sinatra. His version was recorded on March 6, 1962, almost three months before the film's premiere. At last wind, Patti Page recorded her version which was initially optioned for use while Sinatra's original languished in the Columbia vaults until 1995 when his Reprise box-set was issued.
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