Bad Men of Missouri Overview:

Bad Men of Missouri (1941) was a Action - Historical Film directed by Ray Enright and produced by Jack L. Warner and Harlan Thompson.


Outlaws and the Wild West have always had a strong relationship with cinema, though this puts an oddly positive light on the Younger brothers, a criminal posse who took up with the more famous Jesse James gang. The Youngers are portrayed sympathetically, as crime becomes their way of life only after seeing their friends and family horribly murdered by carpetbaggers from the north. Though based on true characters, the truth is stretched to the extreme.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


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Facts about

Humphrey Bogart rejected a role in this film, with the words "Are you kidding?"
Three cast members in studio records/casting call lists did not appear or were not identifiable in the movie. These were (with their character names): Charles Middleton (Porterville Sheriff), Bob Perry (Deputy) and Ray Teal (Deputy).
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