Walter Long Overview:

Character actor, Walter Long, was born Walter Huntley Long on Mar 5, 1879 in Nashua, NH. Long died at the age of 73 on Jul 4, 1952 in Los Angeles, CA .


American tough-guy actor, who took over from the equally fearsome Noah Young whenever Laurel and Hardy needed an awesome opponent to threaten them with dire physical improbabilities. After blacking up for his first major film, The Birth of a Nation, Long was almost always a villain, most notably as Stan Laurel's (cheating) opponent in Any Old Port. More or less retired after 1942: died from a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Walter Long Quotes:

Captain: If anybody ever mentions the word "ghost" to me, I'm gonna twist his head around so that when he's walking north he'll be looking south.

Captain: Get for'ard.
Stanley: [starts to walk toward the rear door of the hold]
Captain: Heyyy - I said "FOR'ARD"!
Stanley: [turns to Ollie and leans over closer to him so Ollie can check on his forehead, thinking that the Captain is saying that something is wrong with it] What's the matter with it? Can you see anything?
Oliver: [lifts Stan's hat slightly to have a better look] There's nothing wrong with it that I can see.
Captain: [shoving them both forward impatiently] Oh, come ON, here! Come ON!

The Tiger: Put'er there. Ha ha ha. You're the first guy who had the nerve to raspberry The Tiger. I like a guy that does that.

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Walter Long Facts
Despite his mean, tough-guy appearance on film, he was reported to be one of the warmest, nicest people in the business.

Child: John Huntley Long

Shaven-headed tough guy actor who appeared in many D.W. Griffith films (once notoriously as a Negro villain in The Birth of a Nation (1915), in blackface make-up),but is perhaps now best remembered as a scowling comic villain in several Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy films.

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