Sidney Lumet Overview:

Director, Sidney Lumet, was born on Jun 25, 1924 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Lumet died at the age of 86 on Apr 9, 2011 in Manhattan, New York City .



Although Lumet was nominated for four Oscars, he never won a competitive Academy Award. However he won one Honorary Oscar Award in 2004 in recognition of his brilliant services to screenwriters, performers and the art of the motion picture .

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1957Best Director12 Angry Men (1957)N/ANominated
1976Best DirectorNetwork (1976)N/ANominated
1981Best WritingPrince of the City (1981)N/ANominated
1982Best DirectorThe Verdict (1982)N/ANominated

Academy Awards (Honorary Oscars)

2004Honorary Awardin recognition of his brilliant services to screenwriters, performers and the art of the motion picture


BlogHub Articles:

Murder on the Orient Express (1974, )

on Feb 21, 2011 From The Stop Button

There are two significant problems with Murder on the Orient Express. Unfortunately, both of them are aspects of the film?s genre. Well, one of them is an aspect of the genre and the other is related to the film?s extremely high quality acting. So, neither of them are ?problems? in the traditional s... Read full article

Dog Day Afternoon (1975, )

on Sep 8, 2010 From The Stop Button

Besides Al Pacino, there are other actors in Dog Day Afternoon. Some of them give fantastic performances too. But, even with those fantastic performances, every time Pacino is alone on screen, whether closeup or not, monologue or not, it feels like there’s no one else in the film besides him. ... Read full article

The Morning After (1986, )

on Jun 19, 2008 From The Stop Button

The Morning After is an awkward combination of thriller and adult drama. As a thriller, with Paul Chihara’s enthusiastic and bombastic score, it’s frequently annoying. Jane Fonda can scrub a crime scene of every thread of evidence, but the simple things–like dropping a succeeding l... Read full article

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Honorary Award Oscar 2004

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Sidney Lumet Facts
Directed 17 different actors in Oscar-nominated performances: Katharine Hepburn, Rod Steiger, Al Pacino, Ingrid Bergman, Albert Finney, Chris Sarandon, Faye Dunaway, Peter Finch, Beatrice Straight, William Holden, Ned Beatty, Peter Firth, Richard Burton, Paul Newman, James Mason, Jane Fonda and River Phoenix. Bergman, Dunaway, Finch and Straight won oscars for their performances in one of Lumets movies.

Longtime friend of John Connell.

Stepfather of sound editor Leslie Gimbel and Bailey Gimbel.

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