Maltese Falcon House

(home, site)

891 Post Street
San Francisco, CA  
Website: Maltese Falcon House

Dashiell Hammett, author of The Maltese Falcon, lived at 891 Post Street (supposedly Apt #401) -- which is also where his famous detective Sam Spade (played by Humphrey Bogart in the 1941 film) resided.

About the Maltese Falcon House (Sam Spade / Dashiell Hammett House): 891 Post Street San Francisco CA

Dashiell Hammett, author of The Maltese Falcon, lived at 891 Post Street (supposedly Apt #401) -- which is also where he had his famous detective Sam Spade reside.

Just a few blocks away, on Burritt Alley (just off Bush Street), there is a plaque marking where Sam Spade's partner, Miles Archer, met his death. The plaque reads: ?On approximately this spot Miles Archer, partner of Sam Spade was done in by Brigid O?Shaughnessy.?

For an interesting post about the Dashiell Hammett / Sam Spade House, read this article at

For more information about Burritt Alley and other Classic Movie Travels, see the book Film + Travel North America, South America: Traveling the World Through Your Favorite Movies

Maltese Falcon House: 891 Post Street, San Francisco, CA