Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Aunt Ada: It's not right is it, I think men get away with murder.
Brenda: They do, don't they.
Arthur Seaton: I don't know that much.
Aunt Ada: Don't be such a big 'ead - get cracking so I can talk to her. What's your name duck?
Brenda: Brenda.

--Rachel Roberts (as Brenda) in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Brenda: Been 'ere long?
Arthur Seaton: 10 minutes, was just looking at the lovely view.
Brenda: Better get down to earth then, adn't you?
Arthur Seaton: How did you go on at Aunt Ada's, it go off all right?
Brenda: No it didn't, was just one of them old wive's tales, she made me sit in a hot bath for 3 hours, had to drink a pint of gin. I'll never go through that again, it was terrible, I thought I was gonna die. And it didn't work.

--Rachel Roberts (as Brenda) in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Brenda: Having a good time?
Arthur Seaton: Not bad, I'm with some pals from work, had to come out or I'd go crackers, I've been worrying about you all week.
Brenda: Well you can stop worrying.
Arthur Seaton: Is it all right then, did you see that doctor?
Arthur Seaton: Oh yeah, I went, I didn't stay.
Arthur Seaton: What?
Brenda: I've decided to have it and face whatever comes of it.

--Rachel Roberts (as Brenda) in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Brenda: I believe you, thousands wouldn't.

--Rachel Roberts (as Brenda) in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Brenda: Of all the liars, you're the biggest I've ever known.
Arthur Seaton: I always was a liar, a good 'un and all.
Brenda: Liars don't prosper.

--Rachel Roberts (as Brenda) in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Brenda: What do you think having a kid means? You're doped up and sick for 9 months, your clothes don't fit, nobody will look at you. One day you're yelling out and you've got a kid. That's not so bad but you've got to look after it for the rest of its life. You want to try it sometime.
Arthur Seaton: Well if that's how you feel.
Brenda: How do you expect me to feel.

--Rachel Roberts (as Brenda) in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Brenda: Yes, yes it's yours right enough. Haven't done 'owt like that with Jack for a couple of months or more - and I don't want to I it I can tell you that now!
Arthur Seaton: Have you tried 'owt, took 'owt I mean.
Brenda: Yes, some pills, they didn't work. 30 bob they cost me, gone right down the drain.
Arthur Seaton: God almighty.
Brenda: He won't help you.

--Rachel Roberts (as Brenda) in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning