North to Alaska

North to Alaska

Sam McCord: George, a wonderful thing about Alaska is that matrimony hasn't hit up here yet. Let's keep it a free country!

--John Wayne (as Sam McCord) in North to Alaska

North to Alaska

North to Alaska

Sam McCord: This is my old friend Lena Nordquist.
Michelle: How do you do, Mrs Nordquist?
Sam McCord: Well, come on, come on! There's nothing to fear. She's half-human.

--John Wayne (as Sam McCord) in North to Alaska

North to Alaska

North to Alaska

Sam McCord: Well, I'm savin' a life, that's all I know.
Michelle: Maybe, but you don't make any sense at all! Which is all right, because if you're too drunk to talk, we'll find something else to do.
Sam McCord: That's perfect. You even sound like a wife!
Michelle: I do not consider that a compliment!
Sam McCord: I'm on your side, lady! It's my only politics: anti-wife! Any woman who devotes herself to making one man miserable instead of a lot of men happy don't get my vote.

--John Wayne (as Sam McCord) in North to Alaska

North to Alaska

North to Alaska

Sam McCord: Women. Peculiar.

--John Wayne (as Sam McCord) in North to Alaska

North to Alaska

North to Alaska

Sam McCord: You even sound like a wife.
Michelle: I do not consider that a compliment.
Sam McCord: I'm on your side, lady. It's my only politics... anti-wife. Any woman who devotes herself to making one man miserable instead of a lot of men happy don't get my vote.

--John Wayne (as Sam McCord) in North to Alaska



Sean Mercer: Pockets, what are you doing?
Pockets: I'm trying to milk the goat.
Sean Mercer: Well, that's the wrong kind of a goat - that's a ram!

--John Wayne (as Sean Mercer) in Hatari!

Sands of Iwo Jima

Sands of Iwo Jima

Sgt. Stryker: Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid.

--John Wayne (as ) in Sands of Iwo Jima

Sands of Iwo Jima

Sands of Iwo Jima

Sgt. Stryker: You gotta learn right and you gotta learn fast. And any man that doesn't want to cooperate, I'll make him wish he had never been born.

--John Wayne (as ) in Sands of Iwo Jima

Santa Fe Stampede

Santa Fe Stampede

Stony Brooke: Just a minute! What kind of farce do you call this?
Mayor Gil Byron: Don't you approve of the way we hold court?
Stony Brooke: This isn't a court, it's a three-ring circus.
Judge Henry J. Hixon: Careful, young man...
Stony Brooke: Of what? You're sworn to uphold the laws of this territory and what do yo do? Jump like a rabbit every time he cracks a whip.
Judge Henry J. Hixon: One more word from you and I'll fine you for contempt!
Stony Brooke: Word fail to express my contempt for this court.

--John Wayne (as ) in Santa Fe Stampede

Santa Fe Stampede

Santa Fe Stampede

Stony Brooke: So that's His Honor the Mayor. Brings his own jury.
Tucson Smith: Swell chance we're going to have.
Stony Brooke: We'll stick around and see how far this thing will go.

--John Wayne (as ) in Santa Fe Stampede

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