Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Oscar Jaffe: They are the only true actors we have left. Not like our cheap Broadway hams.

--John Barrymore (as Oscar Jaffe) in Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Oscar Jaffe: Those movies you were in! It's sacrilege throwing you away on things like that. When I left that movie house, I felt some magnificent ruby had been thrown into a platter of lard.

--John Barrymore (as Oscar Jaffe) in Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Oscar Jaffe: What do you know about talent? What do you know about the theatre? What do you know about genius? What do you know about anything, you... bookkeeper!

--John Barrymore (as Oscar Jaffe) in Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Oscar Jaffe: You amoeba.
Max Jacobs: It's the truth, whether you know it or not.
Oscar Jaffe: Owen, take this creature who came to me as an office boy as Max Mendlebaum and who is now Max Jacobs for some mysterious reason and throw him into the street.

--John Barrymore (as Oscar Jaffe) in Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Oscar Jaffe: You squalling litle amateur. On your feet! Get up! Take that hump out of your back. You're not demonstrating underwear anymore!

--John Barrymore (as Oscar Jaffe) in Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Twentieth Century

Oscar McGonigle: Who told her that her phone was tapped?
Oscar Jaffe: [seeing Oliver Webb trying to sneak away] Stay where you are, Judas Iscariot!

--John Barrymore (as Oscar Jaffe) in Twentieth Century

The Mad Genius

The Mad Genius

Vladimar Ivan Tsarakov: I will create my own being: that boy! That boy will be my counterpart, he shall be what I should have been... I will mold him, I will pour into him my genius, my soul. In him all my dreams, all my ambitions will be fulfilled -- the greatest dancer of all time!

--John Barrymore (as Vladimar Ivan Tsarakov) in The Mad Genius

Spawn of the North

Spawn of the North

Windy Turlon: There's no one more stubborn in the defense of morality than a reformed sinner.

--John Barrymore (as ) in Spawn of the North

Grand Hotel

Grand Hotel

Grusinskaya: Who are you?
Baron Felix von Geigern: Someone who could love you, that's all. Someone who's forgotten everything else but you.
Grusinskaya: You could love me?
Baron Felix von Geigern: I've never seen anything in my life as beautiful as you are.

--John Barrymore (as The Baron Felix von Gaigern) in Grand Hotel

