The Old Dark House

The Old Dark House

Horace Femm: It's only gin, you know. Only gin. I like gin.

--Ernest Thesiger (as Horace Femm) in The Old Dark House

The Old Dark House

The Old Dark House

Horace Femm: The fact is, Morgan is an uncivilized brute. Sometimes he drinks heavily. A night like this will set him going and once he's drunk he's rather dangerous.

--Ernest Thesiger (as Horace Femm) in The Old Dark House

The Old Dark House

The Old Dark House

Horace Femm: We make our own electric light here, and we are not very good at it. Pray, don't be alarmed if they go out altogether

--Ernest Thesiger (as Horace Femm) in The Old Dark House

Man with a Million

Man with a Million

Mr. Reid: Now what about a cycling suit, Mr. Adams ? Cycling is all the rage nowadays. And then of course there is Ascot.
Henry Adams: I'm not gonna do any cycling and I'm not gonna do any Ascotting. Sailing is my hobby.
Mr. Reid: Ah ! The sport of kings. Very right and proper for a personage such as yourself.
Henry Adams: I thought racing was the sport of kings ?
Mr. Reid: [unperturbed] Then it ought to be sailing !
[to his assistant]
Mr. Reid: Nip in the waist a bit.

--Ernest Thesiger (as ) in Man with a Million

The Man in the White Suit

The Man in the White Suit

Sir John Kierlaw: Now. Some fool has invented an indestructible cloth. Where is he? How much does he want?

--Ernest Thesiger (as Sir John Kierlaw) in The Man in the White Suit

The Ghoul

The Ghoul

Broughton: I advise you to be very careful, Laing.
Laing: I've a careful nature.
Broughton: You may be putting yourself perilously near dishonesty.
Laing: I've seen men nearer.

--Ernest Thesiger (as Laing) in The Ghoul

The Old Dark House

The Old Dark House

[repeated line]
Horace Femm: Have a potato.

--Ernest Thesiger (as Horace Femm) in The Old Dark House

