Winners of the West

Winners of the West

King Carter: You know, Ramsay, you and I have a lot in common. It's too bad we can't work together.
Jeff Ramsay: Yes, but it's what we haven't got in common that keeps us on opposite sides of the fence.

--Dick Foran (as ) in Winners of the West

Land Beyond the Law

Land Beyond the Law

Tascosa, Slade's Henchman: [Threateningly] I'll handle this my way!
Charles 'Chip' Douglas: Why don't you turn around and shoot me in the back? That's your way!

--Dick Foran (as ) in Land Beyond the Law

Boy Meets Girl

Boy Meets Girl

Robert Law: I was a promising young novelist. Almost won the Pulitzer Prize in nineteen thirty, and now in nineteen thirty eight, I'm writing dialogue for a horse.
Rossetti: Larry! Larry, take a breath. The boy's mean no harm. Exhale.
Robert Law: I smell carbon exhaust.
Larry Toms: One more crack...

--Dick Foran (as ) in Boy Meets Girl

