Leonard Eels:
Your uh... cousin is a very charming young lady.
Jeff Bailey: No he isn't. His name is Norman, and he's a bookmaker in Cleveland Ohio.
Jeff Bailey: No he isn't. His name is Norman, and he's a bookmaker in Cleveland Ohio.
Whit Sterling:
My feelings? About ten years ago, I hid them somewhere and haven't been able to find them.
Whit Sterling:
You just sit and stay inside yourself. You wait for me to talk. I like that.
Jeff Bailey: I never found out much listening to myself.
Jeff Bailey: I never found out much listening to myself.
Whit Sterling:
You're gonna take the rap and play along. You're gonna make every exact move I tell you. If you don't, I'll kill you. And I'll promise you one thing: it won't be quick. I'll break you first. You won't be able to answer a telephone or open a door without thinking, 'This is it.' And it when it comes, it still won't be quick. And it won't be pretty. You can take your choice.
Jeff Bailey:
[allowing one slap but blocking a second] That evens us. Now fold your hands or I'll fold 'em for you!
Jeff Bailey:
[answering the door] Well, the last guy in the world...
Whit Sterling: I hate surprises myself. You wanna just shut the door and forget it?
Whit Sterling: I hate surprises myself. You wanna just shut the door and forget it?