Howard Petrie

Howard Petrie

Judge: [to the sheriff and prosecutor] You're too suspicious.
Lattimore, Prosecuting Attorney: We've a right to be suspicious. Our share keeps getting smaller and smaller; first thing you know they'll deal us out completely.
Judge: How can they? We'll be re-elected next month for two more years. They know which side their bread's buttered on.
Lattimore, Prosecuting Attorney: You think we can get away with this for two more years? Our collusion with the Reno Brothers is one of the worst kept secrets in history. Collusion, conspiracy, malfeasance. Ugly words, your honor, but true. We've got to be realistic.

Denver Pyle

Denver Pyle

Clint Reno: So it finally happened. A Reno brother got killed.
Sim Reno: Clint, we don't want no preaching.
Frank Reno: Take it easy, Sim.
Clint Reno: The baby of the family dying in the streets and his brave brothers running away. Not even animals would do a thing like that!
John Reno: Dead in the streets... not dying.
Clint Reno: As if that made a difference!

William Forrest

William Forrest

William Peterson: They're shrewd, those Renos, and vicious. Control the whole county in southern Indiana. Judge, prosecutor, constable - all on their side! Renos had 'em elected.
Monk Claxton: I still wonder how a thing like that could happen.
William Peterson: Well, people who have had freedom for as long as we've had sometimes take it for granted. Come election day, they're lazy, or callous. Same thing. However, it's done. Our job is to get it undone.

William Forrest

William Forrest

Monk Claxton: [Discussing former Confederate spy James Barlow] I'm still wondering how he got hold of so many secrets.
William Peterson: Certain generals' wives found him very charming.
Bill Peterson Jr.: Irresistible is the word, Dad. as a matter of fact, I recall...
William Peterson: Oh, I wasn't the only one who invited him to dinner. Secretary Stanton had him, too. Immodest as it may sound, man could fool Stanton and me could fool the Reno boys.

Forrest Tucker

Forrest Tucker

Frank Reno: [Riding up moments after watching Barlow flirting with Laura Reno] You aimin' on gettin' yourself killed?
James Barlow: On the contrary. I was just planning my future.
Frank Reno: I don't like you, Barlow. Don't like you a'tall. But I admire guts.

Forrest Tucker

Forrest Tucker

John Reno: Thirty thousand dollars is a heap of money. Now, who would have thought of holding up a train?
Frank Reno: Seems like a business worth considering.