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Border Patrol

Border Patrol (1943)

Border Phantom

Border Phantom (1937)

Border Saddlemates

Border Saddlemates (1952)

Border Vigilantes

Border Vigilantes (1941)

The Born Losers

The Born Losers (1967)

Born to Battle

Born to Battle (1935)

Born to Sing

Born to Sing (1942)

Born to the West

Born to the West (1937)

Borrowed Trouble

Borrowed Trouble (1948)

The Boss

The Boss (1956)

Boss of Hangtown Mesa

Boss of Hangtown Mesa (1942)

Botany Bay

Botany Bay (1953)

The Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter (1954)

Bowery Champs

Bowery Champs (1944)

Boxer from Shantung

Boxer from Shantung ()

A Boy, a Girl and a Dog

A Boy, a Girl and a Dog (1946)

The Brain from Planet Arous

The Brain from Planet Arous (1957)

The Brass Bullet

The Brass Bullet (1918)

The Brass Legend

The Brass Legend (1956)

Breed of the Border

Breed of the Border (1933)

Brenda Starr, Reporter

Brenda Starr, Reporter (1945)

Brick Bradford

Brick Bradford (1947)

The Brides of Fu Manchu

The Brides of Fu Manchu (1966)

The Bridge at Remagen

The Bridge at Remagen (1969)

The Bridge on the River Kwai

The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)