Love in the Afternoon Overview:

Love in the Afternoon (1957) was a Comedy - Romance Film directed by Billy Wilder and produced by Billy Wilder and William Schorr.

Love in the Afternoon (1957)


This romantic comedy written and directed by Wilder makes marvelous use of its Parisian settings, though the sight of 56-year-old Cooper romantically crossing swords with gamine Hepburn strains credulity. Hepburn saves Cooper from the spying of her father, private detective Chevalier, earning her his amorous attention. When Chevalier listens to Cooper's musings about his situation, he offers his services to track her down, then discovers it is his daughter he's tailing.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


BlogHub Articles:

Love in The Afternoon (1957): The Wilder Touch

By 4 Star Film Fan on Jan 8, 2020 From 4 Star Films

Billy Wilder, more than any screenwriter I’ve ever known, has a knack for voiceover narration. What other novices consider a crutch to feed us information, he uses as an asset to set tone, story, and location, while offsetting the image with the spoken word. Take the beginning of Love in The A... Read full article

Warner Archive Blu-ray: Hepburn and Cooper Share Love in the Afternoon (1957)

By KC on Feb 21, 2017 From Classic Movies

Director Billy Wilder's Love in the Afternoon (1957) is an odd little romance. It’s a shade too long, and even though the thought of Audrey Hepburn and Gary Cooper together has its appeal, the gap in their ages is always a bit unsettling. Still, the film, which is now available on Blu-ray fro... Read full article

Love in the Afternoon (1972)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Aug 8, 2016 From 4 Star Films

Is it possible to love two women at once??In essence, that’s one of the main conceits of this moral tale from director Eric Rohmer’s series.?Sometimes Rohmer feels like the Woody Allen of France although Allen’s films are slightly more geared towards comedy and the former’s f... Read full article

Love in the Afternoon (1972)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Aug 8, 2016 From 4 Star Films

Is it possible to love two women at once??In essence, that’s one of the main conceits of this moral tale from director Eric Rohmer’s series.?Sometimes Rohmer feels like the Woody Allen of France although Allen’s films are slightly more geared towards comedy and the former’s f... Read full article

Amor na Tarde / Love in the Afternoon (1957)

By L? on May 3, 2016 From Critica Retro

Amor na Tarde / Love in the Afternoon (1957) Chevalier! Hepburn! Cooper! Paris! Fascina??o! Tudo no filme nos chama para o romance. ? uma hist?ria de amor pouco convencional, mas que nas m?os de Billy Wilder se transforma em um longo e delicioso flerte. Chevalier! Hepburn! Cooper! Paris! F... Read full article

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Quotes from

[first lines]
Claude Chavasse: [voiceover] This is the city - Paris, France. It is just like any other big city - London, New York, Tokyo - except for two little things. In Paris, people eat better. And in Paris, people make love - well, perhaps not better, but certainly more often. They do it any time, any place. On the left bank, on the right bank, and in between! They do it by day, and they do it by night. The butcher, the baker, and the friendly undertaker. They do it in motion, they do it sitting absolutely still. Poodles do it. Tourists do it. Generals do it. Once in a while even existentialists do it. There is young love, and old love. Married love, and innocent love. That is where I come in. My name is Claude Chavasse. I am what you would call a private eye.

Frank Flannagan: Goodbye, thin girl.
Ariane Chavasse: Goodbye, Mr. Flannagan.
Frank Flannagan: You promised.
Ariane Chavasse: You don't have to worry about me, Mr. Flannagan. There've been so many men before. There'll be so many after this. It's gonna be another one of those crazy years. While you're in Cannes, I'll be in Brussels with the banker. He wants to give me a Mercedes Benz, a blue one, it's my favorite color. And while you're in Athens, I'll be with the duke again in Scotland. But, I don't know whether I'll go yet, because another man's asked me to spend the summer with him in Deauville. He owns race horses. He's very rich. He's number twenty. I mean number twenty one, you're number twenty. So, you see Mr. Flannagan, I'll be perfectly all right. I'll... I'll be all right... I'll be all right!

Frank Flannagan: Everything about you is perfect.
Ariane Chavasse: I'm too thin! And my ears stick out, and my teeth are crooked and my neck's much too long.
Frank Flannagan: Maybe so, but I love the way it all hangs together.
[they kiss]

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Facts about

To dispel any impression that Audrey Hepburn and Gary Cooper actually have sex in their many afternoon meetings in his hotel room, a line was dubbed into the release print. When his back is turned to the camera in Chevalier's office, Cooper is heard to say, "I can't get to first base with her."
The movie was a critical and commercial disaster on release. Many critics felt that the 55-year-old Gary Cooper, whose health was rapidly failing, should have realized that he was far too old for the part and turned it down, as Cary Grant did.
The original ending of the film just showed the two lovers departing together on a train, which threatened to land the film on the Catholic Legion of Decency's "Condemned List." As a result, Maurice Chevalier was called back to do the voice-over heard at the close of the film, in which he reports that the couple are "now married and serving a life sentence in New York City."
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