You Can't Cheat an Honest Man Overview:

You Can't Cheat an Honest Man (1939) was a Comedy - Black-and-white Film directed by Edward F. Cline and George Marshall and produced by Lester Cowan.

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Quotes from

Phineas Whipsnade: You give me a pain in the neck. There's a guy that's gonna get a pile of dough the day he gets married and he's just beggin; you to take it.
Victoria Whipsnade : Well, I'm not interested!
Phineas Whipsnade: Oh! One sister and she has to be a half wit!

Charlie McCarthy: Nobody's gonna find me after the show.
Larson E. Whipsnade: Ah, yes they are. You'll be hanging in my window as a venetian blind!
Charlie McCarthy: Oh, that makes me shutter.
Larson E. Whipsnade: Quiet or I'll throw a woodpecker on you.

Roger Bel: Father, father, I'm going to get married!
Mr. Archibald Bel-Goodie: Why?

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Facts about

Legend has it that on the set of You Can't Cheat an Honest Man, a stagehand was cleaning out W.C. Fields' dressing room and accidentally bumped into a table on which Fields had placed a bottle of whiskey. He caught the bottle before it hit the floor, but the cork had popped out and he couldn't find it. He placed the bottle back on the table and left. Later Fields came back to the dressing room, and a few minutes after-wards stormed out, roaring "Who took the cork out of my lunch?"
W.C. Fields became a big hit on radio, especially on Edgar Bergen's radio program, where he had a long-running "feud" with Charlie McCarthy. This film was an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of that feud by having it carried on in a movie.
The certificate number on-screen is misprinted as 50101. The actual number as issued by the Production Code Administration (and on file in Hollywood, California) is 5101.
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