Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows Overview:

Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows (1968) was a Comedy - Family Film directed by James Neilson .

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Quotes from

Mother Superior: I think we should get started. Round up the girls, Sister.
Sister Rose-Marie: Where are they, Mother?
Mother Superior: Wherever Sister George is.
Sister Celestine: Considering the amount of time the girls spend with us, I'm really not sure why we came along, Mother.
Mother Superior: We were blackmailed.

Mother Superior: [after breaking up a dance party in the bathroom] As you're all such music lovers, I'm sure you'll be delighted to know that you're going to spend the next two weekends cleaning out the music room.
[nods at a girl who fainted]
Mother Superior: Get Devon off the floor.

Father Chase: Have a pleasant trip. I'll pray for you.
Mother Superior: And I'll pray for you.
[under her breath]
Mother Superior: Somebody better.

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Facts about

Robert Taylor's last film.
The roller coaster the girls go on is "Thunderhawk". It is the last remaining wooden roller coaster at Dorney Park.
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