The Trouble with Angels Overview:

The Trouble with Angels (1966) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by Ida Lupino .

BlogHub Articles:

Rosalind Russell and Hayley Mills match wits in “The Trouble with Angels”

By Stephen Reginald on Sep 24, 2023 From Classic Movie Man

Rosalind Russell and Hayley Mills match wits in “The Trouble with Angels” The Trouble with Angels (1966) is an American comedy film directed by Ida Lupino and starring Rosalind Russell and Hayley Mills. The strong supporting cast includes Binnie Barnes, Mary Wickes, Marge Redmond, G... Read full article

Anjos Rebeldes (1966) / The Trouble with Angels (1966)

By L? on Jun 6, 2019 From Critica Retro

Anjos Rebeldes (1966) / The Trouble with Angels (1966) Se eu fosse julgar o filme “Anjos Rebeldes”, dirigido por Ida Lupino, apenas pela sequ?ncia de abertura animada, a nota dada seria de cinco estrelas. Cr?ditos animados estavam na moda nos anos 60 – quem pode se esquecer... Read full article

The Trouble with Angels (1966)

By Beatrice on Feb 28, 2019 From Flickers in Time

The Trouble with Angels Directed by Ida Lupino Written by Blanche Hanalis from a novel by Jane Trahey 1966/USA Columbia Pictures Corporation/William Frye Productions/Eaves Movie Ranch Repeat viewing/Amazon Instant About as cute as any convent comedy has the right to be. Mary Clancy (Haley Mills) and... Read full article

The Trouble With Angels

By Amanda Garrett on May 11, 2018 From Old Hollywood Films

June Harding (left) and Hayley Mills play Catholic schoolgirls in The Trouble with Angels (1966). This article is part of The Ida Lupino Centenary Blogathon hosted by Maddy Loves Her Classic Films. The biggest hit of Ida Lupino's film-directing career was The Trouble With Angels, a 1966 comedy... Read full article

The Trouble with Angels ( 1966 )

By The Metzinger Sisters on Mar 29, 2017 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

"I just thought of a scathingly brilliant idea!" Mary ( Hayley Mills ) is chock-full of scathingly brilliant ideas, most of them taking the form of pranks to play on the nuns at St. Francis Academy, the convent school for girls that she and her partner-in-crime Rachel ( played by newcomer June Hard... Read full article

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Quotes from

[last lines]
Mary Clancy: Who knows, Reverend Mother, Maybe someday Rachel will come back and join the order.
Mother Superior: If she does, I quit!

Mother Superior: As for the social graces, I'm convinced that your school encourages barbarism and concerns itself only with free thinking, free wheeling and finger-painting.
Mr. Petrie: The finest educational minds in the country happen to be on our side!
Mother Superior: God is on ours!

Mother Superior: Rachel? Well, Rachel has a home and parents who love her. She's a follower, not a leader. She can be guided. But, Mary... oh, Mary has a will of iron. To bend but not to break... to yield but not capitulate... to have pride but also humility. This has always been my struggle, Sister. Can I be less tolerant of Mary than the Church has been of me?

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Facts about

All of the old ladies at the Christmas party at the old age home are wearing purple, which is the liturgical color for the Advent season in the Catholic calendar.
Rosalind Russell appears in this movie alongside Gypsy Rose Lee, whose real-life mother Russell portrayed in her most previous movie role, that of Rose Hovick in Gypsy.
According to Rosalind Russell, she and Hayley Mills did not get along during filming. She claimed that every time she turned around or walked away from Mills, she would stick her tongue out at her.
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