The St. Valentine's Day Massacre Overview:

The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (1967) was a Crime - Drama Film directed by Roger Corman and produced by Roger Corman.

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Quotes from

Bartender: [nervously] If you don't like the beer, mister, you don't have to pay for it.
Peter Gusenberg: Well now, ain't you the cat's pajamas!

Interrogator: [to Frank Gusenberg after the shooting] I've got to tell you Frank, you're not going to make it. Want me to call a preacher?

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Facts about

The film came in at $200,000 under budget because Roger Corman reused sets from other movies, including a mansion that served as Capone's home (even though in reality Al Capone lived in a modest brick home in a working-class neighborhood).
This was Roger Corman's first directorial project for one of the major studios (Twentieth Century-Fox). After approximately 15 years experience as a producer/director of low budget productions, it was no surprise that Corman wrapped this production ahead of schedule and well under budget.
More squib charges were used in this film than in the three-hour war epic The Longest Day.
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