The Mummy Overview:

The Mummy (1932) was a Drama - Fantasy Film directed by Karl Freund and produced by Carl Laemmle Jr..


An icon of American cinema horror features Karloff following his performance as the Frankenstein Monster in the starring role as the cursed Im-Ho-Tep. When archaeologist Van Sloan opens the crypt containing the mummified remains of a disgraced Egyptian prince, he steps into a moody mystery of ancient curses and slowly revivifying remains. The makeup, by master Jack Pierce, is unforgettable (and took eight hours to apply!). This was Freund's first American film as director following his notable career as cameraman for Fritz Lang (Metropolis, 1926) and F.W. Murnau (The Last Laugh, 1924). The laserdisc includes the original theatrical trailer, plus a special selection of stills from the movie.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


BlogHub Articles:

Reviews: The Mummy, Island of Lost Souls, The Black Cat

By 4 Star Film Fan on Jun 13, 2023 From 4 Star Films

There’s something deeply prescient about The Mummy beginning with an archeological expedition for The British Museum. If it’s not evident from the outset, the film is firmly planted in the reality of 1922 when Howard Carter famously discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. This is only one hi... Read full article


By Dan Day, Jr. on Jul 12, 2021 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

Frank Dello Stritto's THE PASSION OF THE MUMMY is in the same vein as his earlier works, A WEREWOLF REMEMBERS and CARL DENHAM'S GIANT MONSTERS. All three deal with the lives and adventures of famous classic horror film characters. In the earlier two volumes Frank revealed the "actual" exploits of La... Read full article

The Mummy Strikes (1943, Izzy Sparber)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Oct 3, 2018 From The Stop Button

If it weren?t for the needlessly racist finish from Lois (Joan Alexander), The Mummy Strikes would probably get a pass. Maybe. The action isn?t particularly impressive, but the Egyptian history lesson is pretty cool. Even if it?s all about young King Tush. Jay Morton?s script is (mostly) strong?it, ... Read full article

The Mummy (1959)

By Beatrice on Dec 28, 2016 From Flickers in Time

The Mummy Directed by Terence Fisher Written by Jimmy Sangster 1959/UK Hammer Films First viewing/Netflix rental This time Hammer tackles the Mummy franchise. This contains some key elements of 1932’s Universal classic The Mummy,?mainly the great love of the ancient priest Kharis (Christophe... Read full article

The Mummy (1932)

on Oct 7, 2016 From Journeys in Classic Film

Originally published October 20th, 2012 Got another review for you today and another from the Universal classic monsters series. ?A bit of back story before we begin: I love the remake of The Mummy, hell I like The Mummy 2 (and I stop there ignoring 3). ?I didn’t realize until several years af... Read full article

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Quotes from

Helen Grosvenor: I loved you once, but now you belong with the dead. I am Anck-es-en-Amon, but I... I'm somebody else, too. I want to live, even in this strange new world.

Imhotep: [to Helen Grosvenor dressed as his beloved Princess Anck-es-en-Amon] It was not only this body I loved, it was thy soul. I destroy this lifeless thing! Thou shall take its place but for a few moments and then... RISE again, even as I have risen!

Imhotep: Excuse me... I dislike being touched... an Eastern prejudice.

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Facts about

Henry Victor appears in the credits of the film as "Saxon Warrior," yet he never actually appears in the movie. The Saxon Warrior was part of a long flashback sequence showing all the heroine's past lives from ancient Egypt to the present. The sequence was cut from the final film.
The flashback scenes in ancient Egypt were designed to resemble a silent film, with no dialog, exaggerated make-up and gestures, and a faster camera speed, to suggest the great antiquity of the events portrayed.
The ring Boris Karloff uses has been in the possession of Forrest J Ackerman for many decades (he wears it).
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