The Mad Miss Manton Overview:

The Mad Miss Manton (1938) was a Comedy - Crime Film directed by Leigh Jason and produced by P.J. Wolfson.

BlogHub Articles:

Classic Films in Focus: THE MAD MISS MANTON (1938)

By Jennifer Garlen on Jul 19, 2023 From Virtual Virago

Although it's not on the same level as their later collaboration, The Lady Eve (1941), The Mad Miss Manton is still an amusing outing for stars Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda. It's a goofy mix of romantic comedy and murder mystery, with Stanwyck leading a pack of socialite sleuths and Fonda fallin... Read full article

Quando Elas Teimam (1938) / The Mad Miss Manton (1938)

By L? on Jan 16, 2019 From Critica Retro

Quando Elas Teimam (1938) / The Mad Miss Manton (1938) Todo g?nero cinematogr?fico tem algumas p?rolas bem conhecidas e algumas joias escondidas. E todo g?nero tem tamb?m muitos filmes irregulares, pedras brutas que s? precisariam de um pouco mais de polimento para se tornarem joias. “... Read full article

Screening of “The Mad Miss Manton” at Daystar Center April 1

By Stephen Reginald on Mar 15, 2017 From Classic Movie Man

Screening of “The Mad Miss Manton” at Daystar Center April 1 “Stanwyck on State Street” Film Series: The Mad Miss Manton (1938) Where: The Venue 1550 at the Daystar Center, 1550 S. State Street, Chicago, IL When: April 1, 2017 Time: 6:45 p.m. Hosted by Stephen Reginald ... Read full article

Sherlock Holmes Meets Paris Hilton: The Mad Miss Manton (1938)

By Judy on Mar 16, 2014 From Cary Grant Won't Eat You

This post is part of Movies Silently?s Sleuthathon. Check out other entries on her site! Imagine pitching this story idea: a Paris Hilton type with a pack of tiny dogs solves a crime New York cops can?t. It sounds like a Beyond Balderdash card, doesn?t it? That couldn?t possibly be a real movie plot... Read full article

Sherlock Holmes Meets Paris Hilton: The Mad Miss Manton (1938)

By Judy on Mar 16, 2014 From Cary Grant Won't Eat You

This post is part of Movies Silently?s Sleuthathon. Check out other entries on her site! Imagine pitching this story idea: a Paris Hilton type with a pack of tiny dogs solves a crime New York cops can?t. It sounds like a Beyond Balderdash card, doesn?t it? That couldn?t possibly be a real movie plot... Read full article

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Quotes from

Melsa Manton: May I have a cigarette?
[He places on in her mouth, lights it]
Melsa Manton: I've had dozens of cigarette lighters but they never worked.
Peter Ames: This just one just takes cheap gasoline.
Melsa Manton: Maybe that's why.

Hilda: [to the telephoe operator] Give me the Morrnin' Clarion. I don't know the numba'! The only numbers I knowse are policy numbers.

Melsa Manton: [to her friends] Get him, girls!
Peter Ames: [Nervously, then desparately as the girls engulf and subdue him] Hey, wait a minute, girls...
[clicks the phone]
Peter Ames: Tahe it easy, girls... look... Hello... Help, I tho... wha... ahh!...

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Facts about

Katherine Hepburn turned down the role of Melsa Manton after the poor box-office of Bringing Up Baby.
The first of three screen teamings of Henry Fonda and Barbara Stanwyck. All were comedies.
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