The Hunters Overview:

The Hunters (1958) was a Action - Drama Film directed by Dick Powell and produced by Dick Powell.

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Quotes from

Major Cleve Saville: You any good with that automatic?
Lt. Ed Pell: I'm a killer, man.

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Facts about

The Aircraft playing the role of the North Korean or Mainland Chinese MIG 15's were actually US F-84F Thunderstreaks.
Lt Corona's F86 Sabre develops engine trouble on his landing approach. When the aircraft is shown stalling and crashing, the shot is of an F-100 Super Sabre, a different type of aircraft. The crash shown happened at Edwards AFB. The pilot, Lt. Barty Brooks, was killed. The name Sabre Dance originated from this accident but the context of the phrase relates to this accident alone and should not be generally attributed to additional accidents involving the F100.Dudley HenriquesPresident EmeritusInternational Fighter Pilots Fellowship
Average Shot Length (ASL) = 9 seconds
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