The House of Fear Overview:

The House of Fear (1945) was a Crime - Mystery Film directed by Roy William Neill and produced by Roy William Neill.

BlogHub Articles:

Watching 1939: The House of Fear (1939)

on Oct 28, 2021 From Comet Over Hollywood

In 2011, I announced I was trying to see every film released in 1939. This new series chronicles films released in 1939 as I watch them. As we start out this blog feature, this section may become more concrete as I search for a common thread that runs throughout each film of the year. Right now, tha... Read full article

The House of Fear (1945) with Basil Rathbone

By Greg Orypeck on Oct 16, 2014 From Classic Film Freak

Share This!DEATH STALKS ITS HALLS!? Horror seeps from its walls! The House of Fear(1945) is the tenth in the series of fourteen Sherlock Holmes films starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce.??The first two (1939) are from 20th Century-Fox, a first-class studio which, while most movies and plays had ... Read full article

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Quotes from

Sherlock Holmes: Murder is an insidious thing. Once a man has dipped his fingers in blood, sooner or later he'll feel the urge to kill again.

Dr. John H. Watson: I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't sleep very well.
Sherlock Holmes: Didn't sleep very well? You snored like a pig!

Sherlock Holmes: This is a most unique case. Instead of too few we have too many clues and too many suspects. The main pattern of the puzzle seems to be forming, but the pieces don't fit in.
Dr. John H. Watson: Muddy waters, eh, Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes: Too muddy. As if someone were constantly stirring them up.
Dr. John H. Watson: Why should they stir them up?
Sherlock Holmes: To confuse me. There's intelligence behind this business, Watson. Cold, calculating, ruthless intelligence.

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Facts about

The tenth of fourteen films based on Arthur Conan Doyle's fictional consulting detective Sherlock Holmes starring Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes and Nigel Bruce as Doctor Watson.
References Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes short story The Five Orange Pips.
Released on a double bill with The Mummy's Curse.
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