The Great Locomotive Chase Overview:

The Great Locomotive Chase (1956) was a Action - Adventure Film directed by Francis D. Lyon and produced by Walt Disney and Lawrence Edward Watkin.

BlogHub Articles:

History, Hollywood, and a Famous Train: THE GENERAL and THE GREAT LOCOMOTIVE CHASE

By Jennifer Garlen on Sep 29, 2014 From Virtual Virago

In The General (1926), Buster Keaton plays a Confederate train engineer who doggedly pursues his beloved locomotive when Yankees make off with it. Thirty years later, The Great Locomotive Chase (1956) tells basically the same story, this time with Jeffrey Hunter as the Southern engineer and Fess Par... Read full article

History, Hollywood, and a Famous Train: THE GENERAL and THE GREAT LOCOMOTIVE CHASE

By Jennifer Garlen on Sep 29, 2014 From Virtual Virago

In The General (1926), Buster Keaton plays a Confederate train engineer who doggedly pursues his beloved locomotive when Yankees make off with it. Thirty years later, The Great Locomotive Chase (1956) tells basically the same story, this time with Jeffrey Hunter as the Southern engineer and Fess Par... Read full article

History, Hollywood, and a Famous Train: THE GENERAL and THE GREAT LOCOMOTIVE CHASE

By Jennifer Garlen on Sep 29, 2014 From Virtual Virago

In The General (1926), Buster Keaton plays a Confederate train engineer who doggedly pursues his beloved locomotive when Yankees make off with it. Thirty years later, The Great Locomotive Chase (1956) tells basically the same story, this time with Jeffrey Hunter as the Southern engineer and Fess Par... Read full article

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Quotes from

James J. Andrews: [shows Fuller a letter] You don't get a letter like that from Brigadier General Beauregard just for running Quinine.
William A. Fuller: No, I reckon you don't. I'd give my right arm just to serve under that man.
James J. Andrews: *You are*! This railroad is the artery that pumps fresh blood into the army of Mississippi on the left land, and to the army of Northern Virginia on the right. Beauregard and Robert E. Lee would *perish* without men like you!

William Pittenger: [Narrating about James J. Andrews] James J. Andrews was a man of mystery as befitted his location. Though in reality a Union Spy, he was trusted throughout the South as a blockade runner. It was typical that even now as he neared our lines he was riding a horse he had borrowed from the Confederates.

William Campbell: Do we have to be better Southerners than the Johnny Rebs themselves?
James J. Andrews: I went through pretty far tonight. Let me tell you this: If you can't drink their toasts and sing their songs, love Jeff Davis and hate Abe Lincoln by next Friday, you'll never reach Marietta.

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Facts about

Filmed on the Tallulah Falls Railway which went defunct in the early 1960s.
The locomotive the plays The General in the film (#25 William Mason) is the same locomotive used as The Wanderer in Wild Wild West.
Only thirteen pieces of equipment were actually used: two full-sized locomotives, one yard engine, three passenger cars, two iron box cars, and five wooden box cars that were built specifically to be destroyed in the film. The various pieces of equipment wore different numbers on different trains throughout the movie.
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