The Flesh and the Fiends Overview:

The Flesh and the Fiends (1960) was a Horror Film directed by John Gilling and produced by Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman.

BlogHub Articles:

Classic Films in Focus: THE FLESH AND THE FIENDS (1960)

By Jennifer Garlen on Feb 11, 2021 From Virtual Virago

The notorious Edinburgh murderers Burke and Hare supplied the insatiable cadaver market with "made to order" corpses in the early 19th century, and they've been nightmare fuel for popular culture ever since, with multiple horror films revisiting their crimes. Among these is The Flesh and the Fiends ... Read full article


By Dan Day, Jr. on Jul 19, 2020 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

There have been many filmed adaptations of the historical events concerning the notorious murderers Burke & Hare, but the best by far is the 1959 British film THE FLESH AND THE FIENDS. The movie was produced by Robert Baker and Monty Berman (who also did the cinematography), and co-written and d... Read full article

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Quotes from

Dr. Geoffrey Mitchell: We are students of Hippocrates, but some of us are hypocrites.

[last lines]
Dr. Robert Knox: Before commencing this morning's lecture, let us consider the Oath of Hippocrates, the sacred oath of our profession: "I will prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone."

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Facts about

This film is an adaptation of the story of real-life killers William Burke and William Hare who, around 1827 in Edinburgh, Scotland, did provide more than a dozen "fresh" corpses to the anatomist Dr. Knox.
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Also directed by John Gilling

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Also produced by Robert S. Baker

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Also released in 1960

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