The Devil is a Sissy Overview:

The Devil is a Sissy (1936) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by W.S. Van Dyke and Rowland Brown and produced by Frank Davis.

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Quotes from

Hilda Pierce: [on New York City] Well, all I see is squalor and dirt. And unpleasantly swarthy people.

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Facts about

Several people are in studio records/casting call lists as cast members, but they did not appear or were not identifiable in the movie. These were (with their character names): Rollo Lloyd (Pawnbroker), Mary Doran (Mrs. Robbins), Jason Robards Sr. (Mr. Kraus), Harry Tyler (Toy Vendor) and Ben Hendricks Jr. (Cop).
Rowland Brown was the original director, but he was replaced after one week by W.S. Van Dyke, who reshot most of Brown's footage. This was the 4th time another director completed a film which Brown started.
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