The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel Overview:

The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951) was a Action - Drama Film directed by Henry Hathaway and produced by Nunnally Johnson.

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Gen. Fritz Bayerlein: Nothing yet, though?
Field Marshal Erwin Johannes Rommel: No, but he
Field Marshal Erwin Johannes Rommel: knows the situation. I sent him the whole story last night. If there's anything he can do, he will.
Gen. Fritz Bayerlein: No matter what you say, to Berlin we're only a sideshow - and you know it.

Field Marshal Gerd von Runstedt: [It's] too late for me. I'm seventy now - too old to fight, too old to challenge authority, however evil... but not too old, however, to wish you and your friends the best of luck in their extremely interesting enterprise.

Field Marshal Erwin Johannes Rommel: [Hitler just sent an order not to retreat from El Alamein] It's an order, Bayerlein, a military order from General Headquarters. A clear, straight, stupid, criminal military order, from General Headquarters.
Gen. Fritz Bayerlein: And what are you going to do, double the insanity by obeying it? We've got the best soldiers in the German Army here. They may be just hanging on now, but they're still a force, they're still fighting. If we take them out now, they can fight again tomorrow. But this! This is sheer madness! It's out of the Middle Ages. Nobody had said "Victory or Death" since people fought with bows and arrows. Why, this is an order to throw away an entire army!
Gen. Schultz: If I may remind you, sir, here in the field, these men are yours, not his.
Field Marshal Erwin Johannes Rommel: I just can't understand it.
Gen. Fritz Bayerlein: I can. He's insane.
Field Marshal Erwin Johannes Rommel: He's not insane! He's - but neither am I.
[tears up the message and throws it away]
Field Marshal Erwin Johannes Rommel: Pull them out, Bayerlein! I'll argue with him about it later.

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Facts about

According to the Twentieth Century-Fox records collection of the Legal Department at the UCLA Arts Special Collections Library, the script for this film was read and authorized by both the US State Department and US Commissioner for Germany, John J. McCloy, around the time of the early part of January 1951. Twentieth Century-Fox received harsh criticism both during pre-production and upon the release of the film for its sympathetic portrayal of German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
Erwin Rommel was gaining his attack information from a British officer whose messages his staff had decoded. He used the data from the officer's messages to plan his attacks on the Allied troops.
'The Hollywood Reporter' announced in April 1951 that actor George Pembroke would be appearing in this movie but he does not appear in this film's cast credits.
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