The Cockleshell Heroes Overview:

The Cockleshell Heroes (1955) was a Action - War Film directed by Jos? Ferrer and produced by Irving Allen, Albert R. Broccoli and Phil C. Samuel.

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Quotes from

Captain Thompson: Corporal Stevens.
[Stevens steps forward and salutes, and Thompson returns the salute]
Captain Thompson: Do you usually let your men slouch about in that fashion?
Marine Stevens: No, sir. We've just finished an exercise, and...
Captain Thompson: I'm not interested in what you've finished.

Major Stringer: All right, Thompson, let's clear the air a little. Ever since I came here, you've been giving me a hard time. Now just what the hell has been eating you?
Captain Thompson: It's just that I'm a professional Marine. I don't like temporary officers. I don't like volunteers for hazardous service. I don't like musical-comedy operations designed to win the Victoria Cross for somebody. I suppose I just don't like your ears.

Major Stringer: Well, now, it's time for me to listen to you for a change.
Captain Thompson: What do you mean by that?
Major Stringer: I mean, let me have it. What did I do wrong?
Captain Thompson: You did everything wrong.

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Facts about

The depth-charge bombing German anti-submarine ship in this movie was played by two ships from the Royal Navy, the HMS Leeds Castle and the HMS Flint Castle.
Only two of the canoe commando marine characters survive this movie's military mission. They are Major Stringer (José Ferrer) and Marine Clarke (Anthony Newley). This is in keeping with the same number of survivors in the actual Second World War Operation Frankton that this movie is based on. The rest of the marines were either captured, interrogated and executed or drowned. The two real life survivors were Ex-Corporal Bill Sparks (W.E. Sparks and Major H. G. Blondie Hasler aka R.M. {Retd} Colonel H.G. Hasler D.S.O., O.B.E (H.G. Hasler) and they both acted as technical consultants and advisers to this movie.
"Cockleshell Heroes" is also the name of a military march tune and is frequently heard being played by the Band of the British HM Royal Marines.
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