Son of Dracula Overview:

Son of Dracula (1943) was a Horror - Black-and-white Film directed by Robert Siodmak and produced by Ford Beebe, Jack J. Gross and Donald H. Brown.

BlogHub Articles:

61 Days of Hallowen: Son of Dracula (1943)

By Bernardo Villela on Oct 21, 2013 From The Movie Rat

Introduction For an introduction to the concept of 61 Days of Halloween, as well as a list of previously featured titles, please go here. Son of Dracula (1943) As I mentioned in the previous post about this series of films, and in other prior, one wants something a little different in the sequels to... Read full article

Classic Films in Focus: SON OF DRACULA (1943)

By Jennifer Garlen on Aug 20, 2013 From Virtual Virago

Lon Chaney, Jr., God bless him, had certain talents as an actor, but he was no man of a thousand faces like his chameleon father. The limits of the younger Chaney’s abilities come into plain view in Son of Dracula (1943), which badly miscasts the horror star as the iconic vampire (or his desce... Read full article

Son of Dracula (1943, Robert Siodmak)

on Sep 4, 2008 From The Stop Button

Son of Dracula doesn’t open well. The first scene’s all right, but once Louise Allbritton shows up–in the second scene–things start to go downhill. Allbritton’s one of the film’s constant problems. She’s a terrible actress and, in a film in desperate need of... Read full article

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Quotes from

Count Dracula: [as his coffin is burning] Put it out! Put it out, I tell ya'!

Sheriff Dawes: You mean, that's all that's left of Count Alucard?
Prof. Laszlo: Look at the ring on his hand. It bears the Alucard seal, just as on his luggage.
Sheriff Dawes: Well assuming it is Alucard, or Dracula, or whoever he calls himself - where is Frank Stanley? He's still wanted for murder.
Prof. Harry Brewster: You still think that Frank killed Kay deliberately?
Sheriff Dawes: Look, Doctor, I'm only the Sheriff. I'm not the Judge. It's my job to bring him in, and the court's to decide his guilt.
Prof. Laszlo: Of course. But I think our testimony will have some bearing on their decision.
Prof. Harry Brewster: Undoubtedly. But the main thing to do now is to find Frank - and I think I know where he is.
[Dissolve to final scene, which is played entirely without dialogue]

Harry [townsman bit]: How are ya, doctor?
Prof. Harry Brewster: Hi, Harry.
Frank Stanley: Hey, Charlie!
Charlie, station agent: Hello Dr. Brewster, Mr. Stanley.
Frank Stanley: How are ya. Say, uh, those all the passengers you have?
Charlie, station agent: Just the four.
Prof. Harry Brewster: You didn't put anyone off at the wrong station, did you? We're here to meet a friend of the Caldwells, a Count Alucard.
Charlie, station agent: There was no Count on this train. All customers. Say - there was a lot of stuff in the baggage car that might belong to your Count.
Prof. Harry Brewster: Thanks, we'll take a look at it.
Train Conductor Voice: [offscreen] All aboard.
Frank Stanley: [looking at a pushcart piled with trunks and cases] Well, does this look as though he's come to stay for just a couple of weeks?
Prof. Harry Brewster: No, it doesn't. I wonder what's become of him?
Frank Stanley: Probably coming by car. Don't worry, he'll show up.
Prof. Harry Brewster: [The Doctor moves close to the luggage, studies the name on a crest on a box which has been stacked sideways] D - R - A - C ...
Frank Stanley: What are you mumbling about?
Prof. Harry Brewster: Nothing, nothing. Just a silly idea hit me. Well, if there's no Alucard, there's no need of our staying around here. I've got to get back to the office.
[He leaves scene as Frank now looks at the sideways crest. Fade to black]

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Facts about

In the film, the vampires never display any fangs. Mexico's German Robles became the first actor to show fangs as a vampire, in 1957 (Hammer's first Dracula appeared in 1958).
Lon Chaney Jr. was the only Dracula prior to Christopher Lee to display great physical strength on screen.
Part of the original "Shock Theater" package of 52 Universal titles released to television in 1957, followed a year later with "Son of Shock", which added 21 more features.
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