Shine On, Harvest Moon Overview:

Shine On, Harvest Moon (1944) was a Biographical - Musical Film directed by David Butler and produced by Jack L. Warner and William Jacobs.

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Quotes from

Nora Bayes: [sings] Shine on, shine on, Harvest Moon, up in the sky / I ain't had no loving since January, February, March, April, May, June or July / Snow time, ain't no time to stay outdoors and spoon / So, shine on, shine on, Harvest Moon, for me and my pal.

[Nora has just kissed Jack]
Jack Norworth: You didn't have to do that.
Nora Bayes: I know. That's why I did it.

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Facts about

The final Harvest Moon number was shot in Technicolor while the rest of the film was black/white. This was because of shortages of material needed for color stock due to the war. Studios used their limited color stock for their top films.
Originally planned to be filmed entirely in Technicolor.
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