Second Honeymoon Overview:

Second Honeymoon (1937) was a Comedy - Romance Film directed by Walter Lang and produced by Raymond Griffith.

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Raoul McLish: Well, you're not my valet any longer, Mac.
Leo McTavish: Huh?
Raoul McLish: Beginning tomorrow you're in the ink business. You're going to be my personal representative at the factory, learning the works at first. But with your thirst for knowledge, you'll soak up the ink business like a blotter.

Vicky: You mean you're married to McTavish?
Joy: Well, we've had the ceremony.

Joy: Don't you ever have any fun?
Leo McTavish: Fun?
Joy: Uh-huh.
Leo McTavish: Well, uh, I've found really a splendid pasttime.
Leo McTavish: Ho-Ho. I mean, don't you know any girls?
Leo McTavish: Girls? My experience with dalliance has been nil.
Joy: Dalliance?
Leo McTavish: It means to dally around wantonly.
Joy: Oh! On account of you've been so busy?
Leo McTavish: Very busy.

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Facts about

First film under 20th Century-Fox contract for director Walter Lang, who was to remain at the studio for 25 years.
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