Rocketship X-M Overview:

Rocketship X-M (1950) was a Science Fiction - Adventure Film directed by Kurt Neumann and produced by Kurt Neumann.

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Rocketship X-M (1950)

By Beatrice on Jul 11, 2015 From Flickers in Time

Rocketship X-M Directed by Kurt Neumann Written by Kurt Neumann and Orville H. Hampton 1950/USA Lippert Pictures First viewing/Netflix rental Dr. Lisa Van Horn: I suppose you think that women should only cook and sew and bear children. Floyd: Isn’t that enough? The story makes absolutely no... Read full article

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Quotes from

Dr. Karl Eckstrom: With that differential of six over N to the thirtieth power the halfway check result is two hundred and sixty-two thousand to three hundred and forty-one thousand both using tangent E, correct?
Dr. Lisa Van Horn: That isn't the result I have.
Dr. Karl Eckstrom: They must be the same. There is an error there.
Dr. Lisa Van Horn: [defensive] I have made no error, Doctor Eckstrom.
Dr. Karl Eckstrom: I have to say that you have made and error and to discard your figures. I'm sorry.
Dr. Lisa Van Horn: [sarcastic] Don't be.
Dr. Karl Eckstrom: Surely you are not going to let emotion enter into this?
Dr. Lisa Van Horn: [dejected] Certainly not.
Dr. Karl Eckstrom: We will continue computing using my results as a basis.
Dr. Lisa Van Horn: Yes, I... Except that I feel very strongly I should say we should try both.
Dr. Karl Eckstrom: We can't. To complete either caculation would take six to eight hours; we can't afford the time. It's either one or the other, Doctor Van Horn.
Dr. Lisa Van Horn: [pleading] But it doesn't have to be. You can't be arbitrary about imposing your will when these people's lives are at stake, don't you realize that? And you speak as calmly as if you were saying 'Pass the salt.' Aren't you human? Are you made of ice?
[brief pause as she collects herself]
Dr. Lisa Van Horn: I'm sorry, I apologize.
Dr. Karl Eckstrom: For what? For momentarily being a woman? It's completely understandable, Miss Van Horn. Now shall we go ahead?
Dr. Lisa Van Horn: Yes Doctor.

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Facts about

When the film was originally released theatrically in 1950, the sequences on Mars were tinted red so as to impart a sense of the alien Red Planet into the black-and-white film. But subsequent TV prints did not reproduce this effect, and for decades the Martian scenes were shown only in black-and-white until the red tint was restored for home video in the early 1980s.
Rocketship X-M underwent several changes in concept before finally being filmed as it is. Initially, producer-director Kurt Neumann wanted to film a movie about an expedition to Mars that encounters living dinosaurs, but producer Robert L. Lippert rejected the script. Around the same time, special effects man Jack Rabin approached Lippert with a script about a space flight to the moon, to be called 'Destination Moon'. Producer George Pal, however, had just copyrighted that title for his own picture about a lunar mission, but Lippert changed his mind and, to take advantage of the publicity for Pal's Destination Moon, brought Neumann's and Rabin's ideas together for his own film about a spaceflight to the moon. Subsequent threats of legal action from Pal forced Lippert to change the venue of his film from the moon back to the planet Mars - the locale in Neumann's original script.
When George Pal announced production of his space epic Destination Moon this film was rushed into production to capitalize on it and beat Pal's film into theaters by several weeks.
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