Nancy Drew... Reporter Overview:

Nancy Drew... Reporter (1939) was a Comedy - Crime Film directed by William Clemens and produced by Hal B. Wallis, Jack L. Warner and Bryan Foy.

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Nancy Drew: Ted, I'm positive that the woman who stole the tin can from me yesterday is Soxie's girlfriend. Now all you have to do is get him to tell you her name and where she lives.
Ted Nickerson: Maybe you'd like to know if she's got any bridgework! How will that help?
Nancy Drew: You remember Captain Tweety always said, "Cherchez la femme!" - find the woman! - the only smart thing he ever did say!
Ted Nickerson: Yeah, and he stole that!
Nancy Drew: It's true! You can always get information from women. They just love to talk!

Nancy Drew: [to Ted as the murderer is headed for their room] Well! Do something!

Nancy Drew: A reporter has the right to do things an ordinary person shouldn't.

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Also directed by William Clemens

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Also produced by Hal B. Wallis

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Also released in 1939

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