Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. Overview:

Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966) was a Adventure - Comedy Film directed by Byron Paul and produced by Walt Disney, Bill Walsh and Ron Miller.

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Quotes from

Lt. Robin Crusoe: [First lines] Dearest, sweet, thoughtful, understanding Jane, I know you won't believe this, sweetheart, but here goes anyway. You may recall, you and I were to be married a year ago last June. As I didn't turn up for the wedding, and so much time has gone by, I can imagine you have been wondering, ha ha, what happened.

Lt. Robin Crusoe: You know, she's a wonderful girl. She's going to make some head-hunter a great little wife someday.

Survival Manual Narrator: Survival at Sea and Like It. Chapter One, Down at Sea. All right, mister, let's take stock of the situation. The first thing we've got to remember is relax. Don't panic. Try to achieve a cheerful, constructive frame of mind at all times.

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Facts about

Lt. Crusoe's aircraft is a Chance-Vought F-8 Crusader.
Walt Disney is credited as Retlaw Yensid for the movie's original story. The pseudonym is Walter Disney reversed.
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