Let's Get Tough! Overview:

Let's Get Tough! (1942) was a Comedy - Black-and-white Film directed by Wallace Fox and produced by Sam Katzman, Jack Dietz and Barney A. Sarecky.

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Quotes from

Muggs: Uh-oh, there goes Little Red Riding Hood. A beautiful piece of Hari-Kiri.
Glimpy: What do you mean Hari-Kiri? He committed suicide.

Navy Recruiter: You wanna join the Navy, what for?
Glimpy: Why, to share the ocean with Japan.
Navy Recruiter: You wanna do *what*?
Glimpy: We wanna share the ocean with Japan.
Navy Recruiter: What do you mean with Japan?
Glimpy: We'll take the top and give them the bottom.

Glimpy: [knocks a spy unconscious] You're one Rising Sun that's not going to rise.

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Also directed by Wallace Fox

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Also produced by Sam Katzman

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Also released in 1942

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