King Richard and the Crusaders Overview:

King Richard and the Crusaders (1954) was a Adventure - Historical Film directed by David Butler and produced by Henry Blanke.

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Quotes from

King Richard I: Go squat on your Alps!

[Sir Kenneth tries to steal a kiss]
Lady Edith: No, no, my dearly betrothed. Richard would set the headsman on your neck - he has said as much.
Sir Kenneth: Then kiss me quickly, my bonnie, while these lips are still warm.
Lady Edith: No, no! (they kiss) Ah, this is a pleasant madness.
Sir Kenneth: A lunacy with which I would love to be afflicted... to the end of my life. If Richard would take my life, I must kiss softly.

King Richard I: Loyalty - as high a virtue as majesty sometimes.

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Facts about

The film invents a military order of "Castelaines" or "Castlers", of which Sir Giles (Robert Douglas) is the Master. In the source novel, these characters are Knights Templar, whom Sir Walter Scott invariably depicted as villains. It is unclear whether the change was made because of the Production Code (Templars were a monastic order, so hostile depictions might fall under the rules against negative depictions of clergy), or to avoid upsetting the Masonic Knights Templar, of which a number of distinguished Hollywood figures were members.
One of the films included in "The Fifty Worst Films of All Time (and how they got that way)" by Harry Medved and Randy Lowell.
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Also directed by David Butler

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Also produced by Henry Blanke

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Also released in 1954

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