If... Overview:

If... (1968) was a Drama Film directed by Lindsay Anderson and produced by Albert Finney, Michael Medwin, Lindsay Anderson and Roy Baird.

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Paramount hated the film when they saw it and tried to dump it from cinemas. However, one of their tentpole films, Barbarella, turned out to be a spectacular flop so they needed to replace it in cinemas with something else. Reluctantly, they wheeled out "If..." and were astonished to see it turn into a big critical and commercial success.
The title of the film was suggested by the secretary of Memorial Films when she overheard Lindsay Anderson and David Sherwin endlessly debating possible titles.
Features the first instance of a full-frontal female nude passed by the British Board of Film Classification. Previously there had been instances of flashes of nakedness - notably in Michelangelo Antonioni's Blow-Up - but "If..." had a prolonged shot of featured nudity.
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