Help! Overview:

Help! (1965) was a Comedy - Musical Film directed by Richard Lester and produced by Walter Shenson.

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Quotes from

[Ringo is trapped in a cellar with a tiger]
Superintendent: Good lord, it's Rajah, the famous Bengal man-eater who escaped from London Zoo this morning.
John: Good Lord! So it famous is!
Superintendent: Oh, don't worry, he's absolutely harmless. All you have to do is sing Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" from the famous Ninth Symphony in D minor.
John: Of course! Why didn't you think of that you twit!

Professor Foot: Voltage, VOLTAGE! Up up. Up up
Paul: Up, up.
John: Up
Ringo: Are you sure I'm earthed?
Algernon: Oh no! Er, hold on, thank you.

Cameo: Boys, are you buzzing?
John: No thanks, I've got the car!
Cameo: No no no. I'll have to play it back. You'll have to do it again!
[He plays the recording back so they can hear the buzzing sound]
John: Is that you?
Paul: No.
George: Well don't look at me.
[Ringo and his drums crash through the sawn-through floor to the room below]
John: That was you buzzing! You naughty boy!

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Facts about

George Harrison was introduced to the sitar during the filming of the club scene, which features an Indian band playing an instrumental sitar version the song "Hard Day's Night".
The song "A Hard Day's Night" can be heard instrumentally throughout the movie.
While the Beatles are attempting to solve Ringo's ring problem at the jeweler's, George can be seen quietly shoplifting various jewels and slipping them into his overcoat pockets!
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