Fahrenheit 451 Overview:

Fahrenheit 451 (1966) was a Drama - Science Fiction Film directed by Fran?ois Truffaut and produced by Lewis M. Allen.

BlogHub Articles:

Fahrenheit 451 (1966)

By Beatrice on Mar 10, 2019 From Flickers in Time

Fahrenheit 451 Directed by Francois Truffaut Written by Francois Truffaut And Jean-Louis Richard from a novel by Ray Bradbury 1966/UK Anglo Enterprises/Vineyard Film Ltd. Repeat viewing/Netflix rental Francois Truffaut’s first and only English-language film seems even more relevant in the ... Read full article

Banned Books Week DurnMoose Style – Fahrenheit 451 (1966)

By Michael on Sep 22, 2014 From Durnmoose Movie Musings

This week (Sept 21-27) has been designated – by those who decide these things – as Banned Book Week, a time to raise awareness of the sometimes ridiculous and always offensive censorship and/or challenges to certain books, usually not because they pose any real threat, but because there ... Read full article

Banned Books Week DurnMoose Style – Fahrenheit 451 (1966)

By Michael on Sep 22, 2014 From Durnmoose Movie Musings

This week (Sept 21-27) has been designated – by those who decide these things – as Banned Book Week, a time to raise awareness of the sometimes ridiculous and always offensive censorship and/or challenges to certain books, usually not because they pose any real threat, but because there ... Read full article

Fahrenheit 451

By Michael on May 15, 2013 From Le Mot du Cinephiliaque

Fahrenheit 451 (Fran?ois Truffaut, 1966) Set in the future of an imaginary country, this tale of a dystopian future was originally written by Ray Bradbury in his novel of the same name. Starring Oskar Werner and Julie Christie this film directed by Fran?ois Truffaut was one of the films I wanted to... Read full article

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Quotes from

The Captain: Listen to me, Montag. Once to each fireman, at least once in his career, he just itches to know what these books are all about. He just aches to know. Isn't that so?

Guy Montag: Fahrenheit four-five-one is the temperature at which book paper catches fire and starts to burn.

The Captain: By the way, what does Montag do on his day off duty?
Guy Montag: Not much, sir, just mow the lawn.
The Captain: And what if the law forbids that?
Guy Montag: Just watch it grow, sir.

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Facts about

Other than the contraband books, there are no written words in this film up until the end credits.
Books shown or mentioned in the movie: Don Quixote - Othello, the Moor of Venice - Vanity Fair - Madame Bovary - Le monde a coté - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass - Gaspard Hauser - Robinson Crusoe - The World of Salvador Dali - Jeanne d'Arc - Life and Loves - The Weather - My Autobiography by Charles Chaplin - Les negres - Confessions of an Irish Rebel - The Ginger Man - Petrouchka - The Catcher In The Rye - The Moon and Sixpence - Lolita - David Copperfield - Mein Kampf - She Might Have Been Queen - Social Aspects of Disease - The Ethics of Aristotle - The Brothers Karamazov - The Sorrows of Young Werther - The Martian Chronicles - Plato's Republic - Fahrenheit 451 - Pride and Prejudice - Gone with the Wind - Animal Farm - No Orchids for Miss Blandish - Jane Eyre - Moby Dick - The Picture of Dorian Gray - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - The Trial.
Director François Truffaut was so eager to begin filming that he and co-writer Jean-Louis Richard wrote the screenplay before they had fully mastered English. Ultimately, Truffaut was disappointed in the awkward, stilted English-language dialogue; he was much happier with the French-dubbed version, which he supervised.
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