Desk Set Overview:

Desk Set (1957) was a Comedy - Romance Film directed by Walter Lang and produced by Henry Ephron.

BlogHub Articles:

Amor Eletr?nico (1957) / Desk Set (1957)

By L? on Oct 12, 2019 From Critica Retro

Amor Eletr?nico (1957) / Desk Set (1957) Muitas profiss?es desapareceram no ?ltimo s?culo, em especial por causa de mudan?as na tecnologia. Entre essas profiss?es, temos condutores de coches, telefonistas, ascensoristas, cortadores de gelo e pessoas que empilhavam os pinos de boliche ap?s ca... Read full article

Desk Set (1957, Walter Lang)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Oct 16, 2017 From The Stop Button

Despite being an adaptation of a stage play and having one main set, Desk Set shouldn?t be stagy. The single main location?and its importance?ought to be able to outweigh the staginess. Desk Set does not, however, succeed in not being stagy. It puts off being stagy for quite a while, but not forever... Read full article

Desk Set (1957)

By Beatrice on Jun 13, 2016 From Flickers in Time

Desk Set Directed by Walter Lang Written by Phoebe and Henry Ephron from a play by William Marchant 1957/USA Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation Repeat viewing/Netflix rental Bunny Watson: Whether the person is male or female. It is 1957 and Katharine Hepburn once again plays a desperate old m... Read full article

Hepburn and Tracy match wits in... Desk Set (1957)

By Michaela on May 13, 2016 From Love Letters to Old Hollywood

I love everything about this poster... except that man that's supposedly Spencer Tracy. It reminds me of some other actor, but I can't quite put a finger on it. Anyway, despite touting for years that Katharine Hepburn is my everything, including on this blog, I have yet to review one of her films. H... Read full article

Desk Set (1957)

By Cameron on Feb 20, 2015 From The Blonde At The Film

via: Unless otherwise noted, all images are my own. My?Great Classic Films for Date Night?got me thinking about fantastic screen teams, which naturally led me to Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. Their real life love translated brilliantly... Read full article

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Quotes from

Richard Sumner: Tough question?
Bunny Watson: No... (chewing)... Tough roast beef.

Bunny Watson: Oh, I remember what: my other bottle of champagne.
Peg Costello: If you take that champagne back to Legal, you won't even get another swallow.
Bunny Watson: That's right. Maybe I'd better drink it right here. Join me, Peg?
Peg Costello: Certainly. How does champagne go with Four Roses, Scotch, Martinis, and Bloody Marys?
Bunny Watson: Oh, fine. They're all the same base: alcohol.

[Sumner answers the phone while the girls are at a Christmas party]
Richard Sumner: Hello? Santa Claus's reindeer? Of course I can... let's see, there's Dopey, Grouchy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Happy, Bashful, Rudolph and Blitzen! You're welcome!

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Facts about

The Company's ENIAC machine that EMARAC was based on had the slogan "Making Machines Do More, So That Man Can Do Less".
Adapted from a Broadway play "The Desk Set" that originally starred Shirley Booth, Byron Sanders and Frank Milan. The stage production opened at the Broadhurst Theatre in New York on Oct. 24, 1955 and ran for 296 performances. "Hollywood Reporter" reported that Booth would repeat her role in the film, which ultimately did not happen (though Harry Ellerbe reprised office gossip Smithers).
William Marchant based Bunny Watson on Agnes E. Law, the librarian who built up the CBS network's research library.
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