Dawn at Socorro Overview:

Dawn at Socorro (1954) was a Western Film directed by George Sherman and produced by William Alland.

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Sheriff Cauthen: Tell you what I'm gonna do, Wade. The minute I get you on the train, I'm going home to finish a quart of bourbon and go to bed. But until then I'm go to stay awake, sober... and nervous.

Brett Wade: I was just listing my friends.
Sheriff Cauthen: What about your enemies?
Brett Wade: All my friends are my enemies. I hate 'em because I have to leave 'em.
Sheriff Cauthen: Yeah, that's the part I like best. You leaving.

Brett Wade: All right, what is it?
Doc Jameson: You know why you've been coughing so much lately? You never gave that wound time to heal properly. It's inflaming your lung.
Brett Wade: Is that a medical opinion or fact?
Doc Jameson: Oh, the way you go at it with whiskey, women and poker! It's a sucker's game!
Brett Wade: I always thought the game would end with one well-placed bullet.
Doc Jameson: Well, it still might... there are plenty of shooting days until Christmas.

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Also directed by George Sherman

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Also produced by William Alland

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Also released in 1954

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